Get To Know The Crew At MiniZoo! | MiniZoo Blog

Welcome to MiniZoo’s first blog post! We are an online toy store dedicated to the imaginative world of miniature play. MiniZoo stocks all your favourite brands including Schleich, Papo, CollectA and many, many more! We decided to start blogging to introduce you to our site and keep you up to date with what’s happening on our side of the business. I will be posting behind the screen information, DIY projects using animal figures and fun ideas, photos and testimonials that you send in! You will be hearing from me most of the time. Who’s me? Oh, right, I haven’t introduced myself! Hi! I’m Tahnaya and I’ll be writing up probably 99% of MiniZoo’s blog posts. Other hard workers here at MiniZoo are Jason, Sandee, Adelia and Amber. I might even hassle them into writing a post here and there ;)
So, this is us ^ We are a big, happy family who work together to bring YOU the best from our business ☺
<- This is me. You already met me. I am in charge of Social Media accounts; Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. I photograph animal figures in awesome settings, I pick, pack and send all international orders, take care of the SEO work on the website and now, I’m in charge of the blog! (I have the best jobs, I think ☺ )
Jason is the founder of MiniZoo. He is in charge of all major business decisions. If you have contacted MiniZoo at any time, I’m sure you would already know Jason (or Dad, as I call him). Jason handles all customer enquiries, picks all orders, writes scripts for YouTube videos, and orders our stock in and much, much more. I literally cannot name all the things Jason does for this business – there’s too many!
Sandee is Jason’s wife, partner in business and partner in life. Also, my mum. She stays off social media platforms but behind the screen, she does a LOT of work. Sandee enters every order into our accounting software including customer orders and new products we have received. She determines which orders can be sent with what shipping company to ensure it gets to you as quick as possible. She also packs all orders.
Adelia is my sister and is in charge of the only social media platform that I’m NOT in charge of (Did that even make sense?). She’s in charge of our YouTube channel. Adelia works efficiently every week to film our products and put all the clips together using top editing software. Effects, music, voiceovers – she does it all and uploads it for your viewing pleasure!
Amber is the youngest of us all, but that doesn’t stop her from working just as hard! When Amber comes home from school, she keeps busy by unpacking all the deliveries from our suppliers. She double checks that we have received the right products, marks them off the invoice and puts them in their rightful place. If there are no orders to unpack, Amber cleans the tubs thoroughly, reorganises them and makes sure every product is in its own packaging to avoid any breakages.
I also have a brother, Kieran. He lives out of town, and has his own job, but when we need some graphics or html code work done, Kieran’s our guy. All the ‘buttons’ you click on our site were put there by him. He also played a major part in the recent ‘makeover’ of the website.
Now you know who we are! We all work our hardest to give you the best experience with MiniZoo, because if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to do this!
I plan on posting a blog here every fortnight, and you know what? You can subscribe to avoid missing out on awesome content! It’s completely free and all you have to do is hit the 'Follow' button in the right hand column! You will receive a friendly email to let you know when a new blog post is up ☺
Please leave a comment, because we’d love to get to know you too! What would you like to see in our blog posts? You can leave a comment by clicking the link at the top of this post :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us, we can’t wait to see you here again!